Title: League of Legends: The Ultimate Guide to Building Items for a Little Mage Introduction: When it comes to League of Legends, one of the most popular roles to play is that of a Mage. And there's no denying that there are few mages more beloved than the \"Little Mage\" herself: Annie. In this guide, we'll take a look at the ideal build for Little Mage so you can excel in the mid-lane and beyond. Part 1: Early Game Items As a Little Mage, your early game focus should be on building items that will help you establish your presence in the mid-lane. Start by purchasing a Doran's Ring to boost your Ability Power, mana regeneration, and health. This will give you the ability to harass your enemies with your Q ability, and farm effectively with your auto attack. Part 2: Mid-Game Items Once you have secured your early game advantage with Doran's Ring, it's time to focus on mid-game items. The first item to buy is Sorcerer's Shoes. The flat magic penetration provided by this item makes it easier for you to deal significant damage to enemy champions. Combined with your previously purchased Doran's Ring, you can farm much better and take your team to victory. Next, build a Luden's Echo. This item provides a burst of damage with each ability you use, and its movement speed bonus allows you to kite enemies more effectively. Part 3: Late Game Items Towards the end of the game, when the champions become even more challenging and thus fighting difficult, it's helpful to have items that provide both damage and survivability. Zhonya's Hourglass offers both. It grants a boost in Ability Power and allows you to become invulnerable for 2.5 seconds, during which you can plan your next move in a team fight. Finally, build a Rabadon's Deathcap. This item offers the most significant boost in Ability Power of any item in the game, with 120 AP plus a unique passive that grants an additional 40% increase in your Ability Power. This makes you a killing machine in the late game, able to take out opponents with ease. Conclusion: Little Mage can be a powerful weapon in the mid-lane, provided you build her with the right items. By focusing on early, mid, and late-game items that offer a combination of ability power, damage, and survivability, you can win games in League of Legends like a pro.。