
2023-12-14 19:40:44次浏览条评论


Introduction Varus, also known as The Arrow of Retribution, is a popular AD Carry in League of Legends. This champion is known for his ability to poke enemies from long range using his abilities, and also has a great team fight potential. In this article, we'll discuss the best build for Varus in the current meta. Early Game Items Starting Items When playing Varus, a good starting item is the Doran's Blade. This will give you some bonus AD, health, and life steal to help you stay in lane longer and harass your opponents more effectively. However, if you have a tough lane matchup, you might want to consider getting the Doran's Shield instead for extra defense. Core Items Manamune is a core item for Varus. This item provides Varus with a lot of mana, which is important for spamming his abilities. It also grants him extra AD based on his maximum mana, which is great for his auto-attacks and ultimate ability. Next, you'll want to build into the Blade of the Ruined King. This item gives Varus a hefty amount of attack damage, life steal, and attack speed, making him even more deadly in team fights. Mid Game Items Boot Options Varus has two viable choices for boots. The first option is to go for Berserker's Greaves, which provide extra attack speed. The second option is to go for Mercury's Treads, which provide magic resist and crowd control reduction. This option is better if you're up against a team with a lot of crowd control. Additional Items After building your core items, you can then move on to building more situational items. Maw of Malmortius is a great option if you're up against a heavy AP team. This item gives you magic resist, extra AD, and a shield that activates when you're low on health. Guardian Angel is another great item to build for Varus. This item gives you both armor and magic resist, as well as the ability to revive if you're killed in a team fight. Late Game Items End Game Build For the late game build, you should prioritize getting some extra AD and critical strike chance. Infinity Edge is a great item to build for this, as it gives you a lot of crit chance and bonus AD. You can also consider building the Rapid Fire Cannon, which increases your attack range and gives you more critical strike chance. Conclusion In conclusion, Varus is a powerful and versatile AD Carry in League of Legends. By following the items and build guide outlined in this article, you can maximize his potential and become a formidable force on the battlefield. Remember to adjust your build depending on your team composition and your opponent's team composition. Good luck and have fun playing Varus!。


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