生长针可以增高多少 有副作用吗

小麦2024-05-31 20:01:29次浏览条评论

Growth hormones, also known as somatropin, are naturally occurring hormones in the body that promote growth. Growth hormones can be artificially injected into the body to increase height.


In terms of safety, growth hormones are generally considered to be safe when used in appropriate doses and under medical supervision. However, it is important to note that long-term use of growth hormones can lead to side effects, such as joint pain, headaches, and fluid retention. It is also important to note that growth hormones can interfere with the body's natural hormone balance. For this reason, it is important to consult with a physician before beginning any kind of hormone treatment.



生长抑素多少钱一针药 用官宣书写大国故事