
飞雪2024-04-23 14:01:12次浏览条评论


A professional football match usually lasts for 90 minutes, including the half-time break. The first 45 minutes is known as the first half and the second 45 minutes is known as the second half. The referee adds on extra time at the end of each half depending on any delays during the game. This extra time is known as stoppage time or injury time and is usually around 2-5 minutes per half. The half-time break usually lasts for 15 minutes.

In some competitions, the duration of a match may be different. For example, in the UEFA Champions League, each match lasts for 120 minutes, including the half-time break. In the FIFA World Cup, a match can last for up to 30 minutes extra time if the game is still tied after 90 minutes. During extra time, two 15-minute halves are played and there is no half-time break.

In summary, the standard duration of a professional football match is 90 minutes and the duration can be extended for certain competitions or if there is a tie after the regular 90 minutes.


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