
2023-10-17 22:35:21次浏览条评论


Introduction:The English proficiency test known as the English Four Levels (CET-4) is a comprehensive assessment of a student's English language skills. It is widely recognized in China and is often a requirement for university admission and job applications. In this article, we will explore the format and scoring of the CET-4 exam in detail.I. Format of the CET-4 Exam:The CET-4 exam consists of four sections: listening, reading, writing, and translation. Each section is designed to assess different aspects of the student's English proficiency.1. Listening Section:
This section contains multiple-choice questions based on audio recordings. Students are required to listen to conversations, lectures, and interviews and answer comprehension questions.2. Reading Section:
The reading section measures the student's ability to understand and analyze written English texts. It includes multiple-choice and cloze passage questions, as well as comprehension and vocabulary questions.3. Writing Section:
In the writing section, students are given a topic or a prompt and asked to write an essay, letter, or report. This section evaluates the student's ability to organize their thoughts, construct coherent sentences, and express ideas effectively in written English.4. Translation Section:
The translation section assesses the student's ability to translate English sentences or paragraphs into Chinese accurately. It requires a good understanding of both languages and the ability to transfer meaning from one language to another.II. Scoring of the CET-4 Exam:The CET-4 exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 710, with 100 points allocated to each section. The final score is calculated by summing up the scores from all four sections.1. Listening and Reading Sections:
Both the listening and reading sections are worth 60 points each, with each question carrying different weightage. Students receive a score based on the number of correct answers.2. Writing Section:
The writing section is worth 120 points and is evaluated based on the student's grammar, vocabulary, organization, logic, and overall coherence in their written work.3. Translation Section:
The translation section is worth 40 points and is evaluated based on the accuracy, fluency, and coherence of the translated text.III. Preparation for the CET-4 Exam:To prepare for the CET-4 exam, students are advised to focus on improving their English language skills in each of the four sections. They can practice listening and reading comprehension by listening to English audio materials, reading English articles, and solving sample questions. It is also essential to work on writing skills by practicing essay writing and improving grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, regularly translating English texts into Chinese can help enhance translation skills.In conclusion, the CET-4 exam is a crucial measure of a student's English language proficiency in China. Understanding the format and scoring of the exam and effectively preparing for each section can greatly improve a student's chances of achieving a desirable score.。


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